Tuesday, April 24, 2012


..is such an ugly color to me.

Usually. Like I literally have no orange clothes at all. Whenever I see something in orange its always icky to me. But since 2012 is the year of the color orange for some reason, ITS EVERYWHERE. And it grew on me a bit. Only a little, I still didn't buy any orange clothes....yet....

Over last summer, I bought an orange cream blush and a "cheek powder" from MAC's Surf Baby collection. And I felt cool.

This year, a few weeks ago really, I got an Orange lipstick from YSL, a glittery lab shine from MUFE, and Knockout lipglass by MAC. I love them all.

Here's me in the YSL "Le Orange" lipstick with the MUFE lab shine in D20:

Yeah. So I'm obsessed.
Sometimes things grow on me.

But other times I out grow them or they out grow themselves. And I guess that's my dilemma. I don't know what the wrong part is. I'd love to fix it, but maybe its too late. I think I tried enough. I guess not all things can grow on me like the color orange. Sometimes they just don't find a place where you fit and there is nothing wrong with that. I just need to find my place in the rainbow.

I've realized my wardrobe is based around blue(mostly royal), purple (all shades obviously!), and..uhm...I want to say pink....So yeah. Pink. And then you'll see some green, a bit of yellow, some red. But at the end of the day, a lot of my clothes can come together to make outfits. Maybe its time to clean up my wardrobe.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I needed to let everyone know

My friendship series isn't over yet. Yeah. I had to disappear for a bit, but this isn't over yet. So expect at least 2 new posts :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Letters from Lulu

I’ve tried so hard to make you
Prove me wrong.
Why do you make it so hard?
Why do you make it so easy?
I don’t know what to do.
Yes you do.
Its not there yet, not quite…
We all know its there.
Well maybe I don’t.
…but you do.
I refute these feelings because its too
good- bad to be true
Ignoring the darkness, but struggling to find the light
the dark cloud gets thicker
and the rain begins.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Skilltes :3

Tonights post will be about the one and only

I'm gonna start this wayy back. I met this girl at NyanKat's 13th birthday party and she was the cutest thing :3. Since forever ago when she had her hair long and not choppy or dyed. And what really stuck out to me? DAT NAME!!! Really. Tell me guys, how many people do you know named Gidget? Exactly. ANYWAY we spent the day in Roosevelt Field mall dancing and stuff at Club Libby Lu (RIP) and she was so cool!

Then I didn't see her until NyanKat's sweet 16 where we trolled around having a poke war between people dancing (trollolol).

And then I didn't see her until we started college this past fall, on the 2nd day of classes. And since then we really hit it off.

She's such a wonderful, intelligent, caring, sweet, random, and loving person. And I am so freaking happy that I actually know her now. We were really brought together with unfortunate greek ish. And everything else keeps us there.  The amount of times shes been there to me might just be too damn high (lol jk, never high enough!). Not only that, shes wonderful at english and writing, and poetry, and is a HUGE fan of the band Coheed and Cambria.

I really love everything about her from her skittley to her insanely active personality. I think my favorite times with her have been whenever we just have talks about life. I love talks about life and the way things are going and the economy and our government, and little things we actually do pick up from lectures...everything. We talk about it. I love it.

Ok really. I'm going to write a very specific time. Once when we were at her dorm. that entire day actually. When we started out to meet a beauty guru I follow on youtube. And we went to a fancy McDonalds and finally ended up at her dorm. It was a lovely day really. We had a day long talk about how everything was going on in our lives and it was really and truly meaningful. I believe that day solidified our bond, and maybe there will be more days like that to solidify it more than I thought possible. But that day will forever remain in my heart no matter what happens to us.

I could go on and on about really great time's we've had together, but I wont because that would become a book and no one else would read it and I'm also pretty lazy. I feel so blessed to have friends like her in my arsenal. Like all of my friends, I she should never be hurt. Ever. She and my other friends don't deserve it. Only happy things like rainbows and butterflies forever. Everyone needs a friend like her in their lives. She's one of the friends that balances out my extreme feelings into situations my brain can handle.

We're going to have many mother effing more swag days like we have had in the past because they're always fun and enjoyable. And even though we've only just gotten to know each other in just the past few months, she's a keeper!

"Lovely Rita meeter maid where would I be without you?"
- The Beatles

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Happy

Joi Joi!!

Joi is this wonderful girl I met through my bestie Domi years ago. She claims to be a sweetheart, but she'll let you know otherwise if you get on her bad side. She is super freaking awesome at making dolls and doing just about anything on a sewing machine.

DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON DDR AND DANCE CENTRAL. This girl will tear up the mat. Have you guys every played DDR at home with the fold up mats? Well, shes broken some and shes danced on one to the point that you can't see the fold lines. Yes. She danced it flimsy. It couldn't handler her. I believe she plays on heavy. How did she get there? I don't know!!! How does one even get past light?? I have yet to figure it out for myself.

There have been so many random times that I've had with her from her stalking my cheer practice to finding me after practice and asking me for the time like i wouldn't recognize her voice (>.<), to getting the cutest little doll from her as a present. I remember having little sleepovers together and playing DDR and pokemon.

Why is she so awesome? Because shes so random and true to what she says. A lot of people would say something kinda weird and take it back because its kinda weird and then we are left to figure out if it was true that they meant it or not. Shes straight forward with herself from the beginning. You don't like it? Keep it moving buddy!

She's that crazy-er yet loving and random friend that everyone needs. And if you can't handle her? That's just too bad. You're missing out big time.

I love this girl so much. there are things that she just knows just because and I love that. I can count on her for a smile even in my most morbid thoughts and feels.

I wish for her to have everything. Everything wonderful she could ever want. And her and Domi need to come visit me at work to see all the a&f styled Bodies we have waiting to talk to them. :3

Step cross step together :P

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mike the Moose

My title wasn't too obscure today because I wanna cut to the chase.

Mike is probably the sweetest guy I know. Yeah, I'm gonna be all embarrassing and pull the "sweet" card. But its true. He has such a big heart and its in the right place. I remember when I met him in middle school and we would just have the most random conversations and laugh.

Why is this guy so special to me? Hes probably the other guy I'll always love no matter what. I don't like seeing him hurt. He only deserves the absolute best kind of girl in my opinion.Of all the people that don't deserve to get hurt, he is pretty up there on my list. It simply breaks my heart whenever a girl doesn't see why he's so wonderful. Hes one of those guys that can't do wrong in a relationship in my opinion.

My absolute most distinct moment with him was once when we went out karaokeing with some friends and we sing of duet of Makes Me Wonder by Maroon 5 while skipping and running around the room singing to our friends. Moments like those are what I look forward to when we do hang out out.
There have been times when we had serious conversations about life, about our futures, about how we want to make a difference in the world. Although we never seemed to get through with our "Another Voice" plan, those talks fuel my beliefs (and my serious issues blog) today. For that I am thankful. I'm thankful for the wonderful days where we'd talk about our love lives. When he'd give me such brotherly advice. When I'd try to cheer him up with my ipod. Our long aim conversations. Everything about our past.

I miss this guy and I wish he weren't so far out of the way for college. But I know he's up there doing big things and I couldn't be happier for him. I know he has a bright future ahead of himself with his determination and attitude on life. And If you're reading this, know that I miss you tons and it is necessary that we do something this summer.

 Moose and Panda swag! :P

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Old people and Dancing and Pink and Unicorns

The post tonight will be about my lovely friend Nicole :3

I love and miss this girl so much!! She was probably my most closest friend in 6th grade and I still love and miss her dearly. She isn't very far from me, but I sure don't get to see her as often as I would like to.

Shes a wonderful friend of mine from the random pictures of old people she'd draw to her old Hilary Duff obsession, to her love of the color pink and dancing. Hanging out with her is never boring. She knows a hell of a lot about me. She is one of those people that can bring a smile in just about any situation.

We've had a few fun times together. Once I slept over at her house. We went swimming in her pool, played random board games, watched some movies, and had a classic fun time. I remember working on a science fair project together in 6th grade about what can be smelled through balloons. My Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants themed 13th birthday party. Her birthday parties. When we went to the beach a 2 summers ago. And especially when we went karaoking last spring break.We sing some High School Musical songs and danced around the room. (We're all in this together!)

Shes an amazing person that's goal oriented, family centered, and just tons of fun to be around. Even though she likes to give me hugs that kill my back (XD) I still love her. She has a lovely dog named Roxie who I also miss :(. This unicorn is a roaring ball of energy just waiting for something to concentrate on.

I'm going to love this girl no matter what because no matter how much we gap in seeing each other, we still talk. We still have a strong friendship. We still try to get out there and hang out. We both still try no matter how difficult it gets. I'll always love and appreciate that.

Honestly, I hate not really seeing her :(. And it seriously needs to change so that we do see each other. But after we ace our semesters :). (Double Date anyone?). And if there's one thing you should know its that I MISS YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!! And I don't care, we're doing something fun this summer!!

"As we go on we remember all the times we've had together. And as our lives change for whatever we will still be friends forever"
- Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C